Sunday, July 17, 2005


I promise to concern myself more with the troubles of the world.
I promise to listen more to the cries, the aches, the pains and burns, scars and troubles that cry out to us from everywhere, from the South, from the East, from next door, from within. I promise not to ignore them, not to be too consumed with consuming to still be able to hear them.
I promise to read more about international affairs.
I promise to research about activities of international organisations and NGOs in the Middle East and Central Asia.
I promise to search for ways in which I can get involved in such activities.
I promise to concentrate my energies on the more essential things in life and cut down on superficial, nitty-gritty and superfluous things.
I promise to seriously try to resist the temptations of this beautiful world that distract us from focusing our eyes on the problems and the areas and regions where help is needed.
I promise to read and think more about and discuss with friends the future of our planet, our society and our culture.
I promise to spend more time on all of the above than ever before, as I realise that this is what I am here for and that this is what is needed of a young person like me, whom life has been incredibly kind to and who is almost spoilt with luck.


Blogger beckita said...

My dear dear Selmo - (haven't quite got used to sElim - but am working on it).
Am utterly hooked - you are ruining my working day with your blog entires - have just sat down to try and get some research done and your blog has enthralled and encaptured me. I can just imagine your internet cafe - and your half Yemenite attempts - and the girls you met on the plane, the flying ants, the blond hairs (and trying to fit in -- ohhh I can so relate). It is absolutely a thrill to read all your adventures - keep it up my dear - as for your promises - you know what - I think you're doing pretty good as you are now. I actually spent a good deal of this weekend thinking of you - I met this Israeli guy in Armenia who could actually be your brother - he's a stroy teller - like you - so if you are looking for a doppelganger - I think I might just have found one for you.

Enjoy Yemen - which I know you will - and love and breath and digest it all -- just don't become too at home that you forget to retun to the beauty of St Andrews in September - you are very much needed there to add some of the exotique to its shores.

Tons of love

(ohh - and rumour has ti that you were in Uzbekistan a while ago - I'm thinking of vistiing - sop any recommendations would be much appreciated?)

1:44 pm  

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