Sunday, October 09, 2005

There she goes, Lady Summer

And a blink later a month has passed and it's early October.
Many changes.
Change of place - Yemen to Scotland.
Change of people - friendly, curious, dagger-bearing Arabs to beautiful, partying English & American students.
Change of mood - from enthusistic and excited to frustrated and disappointed; but also happy.
Change of music when blogging - from MIchael Jackson off an illegal Arabic website to Placebo from my iTunes.
Change of aim - from exploring a new culture and language to a dissertation and a degree.

So much has happened and I've not had time to digest it all, let alone put it in any presentable form.
But there's still many bits of memories, partly scribbled down on various, unordered bits of paper, envelopes, newspapers, plane tickets, receipts etc. Some of those are still from the Yemen, too and I want to put a few of those into this blog, some still existent as drafts from before I left Sana'a, some written after, some to be written in the next few days.
So any references to dates or times in the blogs about the Yemen following this one won't be correct obviously.
I'm not sure if I'll have much to say about life here... it's not quite the same as when you're in an exotic foreign country, but we'll see.


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