Sunday, March 19, 2006

the force

Is there a name for the force that pulls you away from something you really HAVE to accomplish, in order to do something utterly trivial and useless, that could be done at ANY time?
I am writing this under her influence.

[I chose the force's sex to be feminine because DIE KRAFT in German
is feminine and so is LA FORCE - no sexist or other discrimiation.]

She amazes me. She is so seductive, so overpowering. Like a strong scent or perfume will make you follow a woman through the grubby, crowded tunnels of the underground or like the smell of fresh-baked cookies will make you fight your way to the kitchen - she will get you to do what she wants you to do... but at the same time she can be overcome so easily, with just one little act of will, just one "No!". Easier than the cookie-smell on a hungry stomach.
What amazes me most about her, is how she appears on the stage of your conscience: uncostumed and audacious. She doesn't pull the strings behind the scenes or dress up and pretend to be someone else. She makes her actions and intentions very clear: "I want to get you to do something else. Something much less important, which will mess up all your plans for getting this thing finished."
She can offer no real reward, as the action she lures you to perform is trivial and has little longterm gain.

What is her name?

Or is it escapist thinking to detach that force from the self... to even seek to give her a name? ...Probably.
After all: it's me who doesn't want to write this dissertation.


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